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Indian Envoy says he will Work to Strengthen ties with Jamaica

May 27, 2005

The Full Story

New Indian High Commissioner to Jamaica, His Excellency K. L. Agrawal, has signalled his intention to work to strengthen the bonds of friendship that exist between Jamaica and India, in addition to initiating joint venture programmes, during his tenure in the island.
He was speaking to JIS News at a cocktail ceremony hosted by the local East Indian community recently, at the Manchester Club in Mandeville. The event was a prelude to the 160th anniversary activities to mark the first landing of East Indians on Jamaican soil.
The High Commissioner noted that Jamaicans seem to have a great love for India, and that interest could be further pursued, by bringing cultural troupes to the island to stage performances for the general public.
He also indicated a willingness to offer technical assistance to the country in the construction of road infrastructure such as bridges.
“Of course, India is very advanced in terms of technology and there are many short-term as well as long-term training programmes, which my office can help organise for those who are interested,” he said. “I look forward to helping in the sharing of information and knowledge that will assist Jamaica in its development,’ he stated.
The High Commissioner had high praise for the work that the local Indian council was doing for persons of Indian descent.
“In the short two months that I have been here, I have been very encouraged by the reaction of many of the Indian descendants living here. They are very keen to develop that link with the motherland and also to promote many of our traditions and culture,” he observed.
“Continue to do what you do best as it is very important for the members of the younger generation to be exposed to the heritage and culture practices of their fore parents,” he added.

Last Updated: May 27, 2005

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