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Increases in Toll Rates May 1

April 28, 2006

The Full Story

Motorists are advised that effective Monday, May 1, at 5:00 a.m., there will be increases in toll fares at both the Vineyards Toll Plaza and the Spanish Town Toll Plaza.
In an interview with JIS News, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Toll Authority, Joan Fletcher revealed that the new toll rates were arrived at based on a submission from the developer of Highway 2000, Bouygues Travaux Publics, as well as feedback from the motoring public.
At the Vineyards Toll Plaza, the Class 1 toll rate has been increased from $160 to $180, the rate for Class 2 vehicles has moved from $200 to $230, and the rate for Class 3 vehicles has increased from $400 to $450.
Meanwhile, at the Spanish Town Toll Plaza, the toll for Class 1 vehicles remains unchanged but motorists driving Class 2 vehicles will be asked to pay $70, up from $60, and drivers of Class 3 vehicles will be requested to pay $130, up from $120. Notices to this effect have also been placed on the toll booths.
Explaining the process by which the toll charges were increased, Mrs. Fletcher informed that under the terms of the Concession Agreement, which outlines the provisions governing the general development and operation of the Toll Road, the Operator of the Toll Road has an ‘Escalation Formula’, which allows them to apply for an increase in tolls at various intervals, usually every six months.
“Once the developer applies this formula and it is found that he is entitled to an increase, he has the right then to make a recommendation to the Toll Regulator, who considers it and makes a recommendation to the Minister,” she explained.
Continuing, the CEO pointed out that once the Minister of Transport and Works receives this recommendation from the Toll Regulator, he is then mandated to publish a Notice in the daily newspapers advising of the intention to increase the toll charges and inviting public comment. The responses from the public are then considered, along with all the other factors, and the new toll rates are set. The two main factors which are considered in the Escalation Formula are the Consumer Price Index and the Exchange Rate.
The Toll Authority is an agency of the Ministry of Transport and Works, created under the Toll Roads Act (2002), to monitor the development and management of toll roads in Jamaica.
Motorists are also reminded that they can continue to send their comments and concerns about Highway 2000 to the Toll Authority, which is located at 11-15a Oxford Road, Kingston 5. The contact numbers for the office are: 929-6124 and 929 5119. Emails can be also sent to tollr@dbankjm.com.

Last Updated: April 28, 2006

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