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Increased Security, Upgraded Facilities for Denbigh Agricultural Show

July 20, 2008

The Full Story

President of the Jamaica Agricultural Society (JAS), Senator Norman Grant has disclosed that tighter security measures and upgraded facilities will be features of this year’s 56th staging of the Denbigh Agri-Industrial Show in May Pen, Clarendon from August 1-3.
He made this announcement at a JIS Think Tank session at the Agency’s headquarters in Kingston on Wednesday (July 17).
“We will be beefing up security.the 100,000 patrons that we are earmarking must be secure. And I must say that the holistic security plans are looking good and will be signed off within five days,” he informed.
According to Senator Grant, the facility’s infrastructure has been plagued by thieves within recent years, adding that the JAS is seeking to ensure that patrons feel secure over the shows three-days staging.
“Over the last five years we have suffered at the hands of thieves within the Show Grounds and due to this, losses are estimated in the region of about $20 million,” he informed, highlighting that a number of measures will be implemented to curtail the problem.
“We are not daunted. We are actually taking a number of measures to ensure that what we invest in the Show Grounds this year will be secured. The Denbigh Show Grounds will be fully utilized after the show by renting it for weddings, staging JAS annual general meetings, and a weekly farmers’ market,” Senator Grant said.
Additionally, a 60-room guest house and some 20 shops will be erected in front of the property, along with a state-of-the-art Digicel Media Centre, new parking arrangements, and 16 additional bathroom facilities.
Senator Grant explained that the Centre will be located under the grand stand and will be equipped with the necessary facilities to accommodate media personnel.
“We will have an air-conditioned structure, with its own bathroom facilities and computers. The different media houses will have their own tents for outside broadcasts, but this centre will only allow media representatives. The infrastructure in the Media Centre will be funded and underwritten by Digicel,” the JAS President informed.
He said the parking facilities will be first class, adding that vehicular traffic on the grounds will be restricted, with one-way zones being instituted in the parish pavilions.
“There will be diagrams for all areas. Each gate will have different parking areas.we are restricting the movement of vehicles on the Show Grounds to retain the space for exhibitors and patrons who want to walk around and look,” Senator Grant outlined.
He also pointed out that the bathroom facilities will be 100 per cent improved. “The JAS will be increasing the facilities by 100 per cent from 16 to 32. We are also going to have personnel assigned to continuously clean the bathrooms, since we are committed to ensure that those facilities are (kept) clean”, he said.
The Denbigh Agricultural and Industrial Show is an annual event that has been embedded in the unique culture and the broad fabric of the Jamaican farmer since 1953.

Last Updated: July 20, 2008

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