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Hospitals to get supplies from Jamaican Organisation in New Jersey

November 18, 2010

The Full Story

Two health institutions in western Jamaica are to receive medical supplies and furniture valued at US$325,000 (J$27.6 million).
The items are being donated to the Cornwall Regional Hospital in Montego Bay, St. James and the Falmouth Hospital, in Trelawny, by the Jamaican organisation of New Jersey (John J) and Foster Dublin and Associates, a consulting firm based in Highland Park, New Jersey.
According to President of John J and Foster Dublin and Associates, Elsie Foster Dublin, the first shipment of the supplies, which include beds, mattresses, bedside tables among other items, left New Jersey on November 13 for the Cornwall Regional Hospital and should arrive within two weeks.
Mrs. Foster Dublin told JIS News that a second shipment of medical supplies will leave New Jersey in another two weeks. These supplies will be shared between the Cornwall Regional and Falmouth Hospitals.
According Mrs. Foster Dublin, who is also the Deputy Mayor of Highland Park, the supplies and furniture are being donated because of the efforts of former Community Attache at the Embassy of Jamaica, Mrs. Janet Madden, who lobbied on behalf of the Cornwall Regional Hospital.
“I reached out to my network of business associates, colleagues, as well as various network groups and local hospitals that were in the process of remodelling and were looking to donate various hospital equipment,” she said.
She noted that in her many visits to Jamaica over the past 10 years, she has seen the needs of her fellow Jamaicans. “Providing these hospital supplies and equipment is one of the ways I am able to help those who will benefit most from the use of these items,” Mrs. Foster Dublin said.
She pointed out that the donation of medical supplies and equipment to the Falmouth Hospital was special for two reasons. Falmouth and Highland are sister cities as they were twined a few years ago. In addition, her parents hail from Dee Side in Trelawny.
Mrs. Foster Dublin said that although she has been away for a long time, she still considers Jamaica “home,” which is ever present in her mind.

Last Updated: August 13, 2013

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