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Hospitals Receive Equipment from ADRA

December 15, 2006

The Full Story

Equipment and supplies valued at more than $2.5 million have been presented to the Mandeville, May Pen, Spaldings and Andrews Memorial Hospitals, as well as the Nursing Department of Northern Caribbean University, by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA).
The presentation ceremony was held at the West Indies Union Conference of Seventh Day Adventist Headquarters in Mandeville on December 13. The items include: 15 beds, six stretchers, six wheelchairs, seven Geriatric chairs, 10 crutches, two exercise treadmills for physical therapy, an x-ray lighting machine and a doctor’s examination bed.
Director of ADRA in Jamaica, Pastor Desmond Robinson said that the agency sought not just to be a part of the season for giving, but to demonstrate what it was doing in 125 countries in which the organization existed. “We also seek to actively support communities in need through a portfolio of development activities, which are planned and implemented co-operatively, and to provide assistance in situations of crisis or chronic distress and work towards the development of long term solutions with those affected,” he added.
Pastor Robinson said the agency was pleased to donate the equipment. “We [ADRA] are glad to present these beds, wheelchairs, and hospital chairs and other supplies to these entities. May they create smiles in the hearts of those who will benefit,” he said.
In his address, Minister of Health, Horace Dalley encouraged members of ADRA to “keep up the good work, because what you are doing is good for us”. “All those who are involved with ADRA, I know you will continue to support your people, your countrymen and women in whatever way you can,” he added. The Minister said that the Government could not do it alone. “This is why we need the support of other organizations like ADRA,” he said.
Expressing thanks on behalf of the Mandeville Regional Hospital, Chief Executive Officer, Paulette Elliot, said that each piece of equipment would be used to the fullest.
The ADRA is a humanitarian, disaster relief and community development Non-governmental Organization (NGO), which operates under the auspices of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. The agency has been operating in Jamaica for more than 25 years.

Last Updated: December 15, 2006

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