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Holy Family students march for empowerment

May 20, 2011

The Full Story

KINGSTON — “Empowering our young people will make a difference in our community and country”, this was the theme for Thursday's (May 19) Career Day at Holy Family Primary and Infant School in Central Kingston, organised by its Guidance Counselling Department.

The Principal, Cecille Palmer, noted that the theme was appropriate, since it spoke to the fact that, “whatever you want to achieve, you have to do something about it. You have to be so empowered”.

The students marched through Parade Gardens, with posters depicting various occupations. Parents also came out to support the children.

Ms. Palmer noted that the march was effective, as the school wanted to reconnect with the community.

She also interpreted that the march meant the students were saying, “…give me a chance to access my dreams”. As divisions within the community sometimes lead to violent upsurges, the students were symbolising peace by crossing community borders, she explained.

Guidance Counsellor, Jeremy McGregor, added that it was also a way of motivating the young men and women away from sitting down on the roadside, or on the walls with nothing to do.

“The march showed them that they need a career, because that is what life is all about…contributing to your society in a positive way,” he stated.

Organisations involved in the Career Day activities included Scotiabank Jamaica, Tishey Graphics and Services, Kingston Bookshop, Grace Kitchens and the Jamaica Information Service (JIS).

This is the seventh career day that the JIS has participated in since the start of the year. Others were at Denbigh High School, Maggotty High, Camperdown High, Morant Bay High, Tavares Gardens Primary School and Mt. Moreland Primary and Junior High.


By CHRISTINE ADE-GOLD, JIS Special Projects/PR Assistant

Last Updated: August 8, 2013

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