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Heavy Rains Leave Several Roads Blocked in Portland/St. Mary

By: , December 16, 2014

The Key Point:

Heavy rainfall during the past 48 hours has resulted in the blockage of roadways in Portland and St. Mary.

The Facts

  • Stephen Shaw, Manager of Communication and Customer Services at the National Works Agency (NWA) says that in Western Portland four blockages occurred between Lennox and White Gate in Black Hill.
  • Mr. Shaw says the roadway has been cleared allowing single lane access.

The Full Story

Heavy rainfall during the past 48 hours has resulted in the blockage of roadways in Portland and St. Mary. Stephen Shaw, Manager of Communication and Customer Services at the National Works Agency (NWA) says that in Western Portland four blockages occurred between Lennox and White Gate in Black Hill. Mr. Shaw says the roadway has been cleared allowing single lane access.

He says equipment and personnel are at the location but it is still raining in the area posing a difficulty for total clearance. There is also a reported breakaway along the Hope Bay to Chips Hall main road in the vicinity of an area called ‘Ring” just outside the Swift River community. Motorists are advised to proceed with caution along this section of roadway.

A major breakaway which occurred along the Church Hill Corner to Muir Park roadway in Bybrooke last week has been cleared. The roadway is still open to single lane however the recent rains is causing landslides at that location to recur.

In St. Mary, at Little Bay just outside Port Maria, rock slides had completely blocked the roadway. It has been cleared to single lane access. The blockage along the Fort George to Camberwell main road in the Annotto Bay area of South East St. Mary has been cleared to single lane. The Mount Pleasant main road located off the Fort George to Cumsee roadway is blocked. There is no alternative route. Personnel and equipment have been dispatched to effect clearance.

The Fords at Tryall and Haywood Hall in Central St. Mary were impassable. The flow has receded and vehicles are now able negotiate both Fords.

The Ford along the San Side to Palmetto Grove main road is impassable as the Negro River is in spate. Motorists should not attempt to negotiate the Ford.

The NWA is advising motorists to proceed along the affected roadways with caution as they are slippery and wet.


Last Updated: December 16, 2014

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