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Heart Trust and NCU to Share Expertise

November 18, 2011

The Full Story

KINGSTON — The HEART Trust/NTA and the Northern Caribbean University (NCU) on November 17 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which will facilitate the exchange of expertise for the development of students.

The document, which was signed during a ceremony held at the HEART/NTA's Oxford Road office in Kingston, will also provide a framework for a train-the-trainers programme, staff and student exchange, as well as study tours.

The aim is to improve access of students of both institutions to higher-level training programmes as well as employment opportunities.

Regional Director, North East Region of the HEART Trust/ NTA, Samuel Bowen, informed that the MoU will cover areas such as cosmetology and beauty services, resort and spa management, massage therapy, golfing and gaming facilities management, eco tourism and agro tourism.

"This augers well for the country; it speaks to the partnership that we are trying to forge and the fact that the NCU is recognising that technical vocational education training is a very important ingredient underpinning of the education system," Mr. Bowen said.

Vice President for Academic Administration and University Provost at the NCU, Dr. Teran Milford, said the agreement speaks to the importance of partnership in education.

"I believe that if we are going to make a success of education today, we cannot remain aloof of each other. There needs to be a place where we come together in formulating partnerships for the success growth and development of our communities," he argued.

"This partnership, in which we intend to engage…is a very important one and we should pursue it as far as we can take it," he added.

In her remarks, Executive Director of the HEART Trust/NTA, Dr. Carolyn Haye, pointed to the need for a change in thinking on vocational technical education.

"Your skill area is your certificate of trade. It tells the world exactly what you can  do and it is that ability to show people what you can do that translates into earning power. So, this whole idea of the partnership between the academic and the technical vocational is critical because that is how we bring forth a crop that yields tenfold, the seed that was actually planted," she stated.


By Latonya Linton, JIS Reporter

Last Updated: August 5, 2013

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