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Health Screening for Residents of Brown’s Hall

By: , August 23, 2016

The Key Point:

Scores of residents in the Brown’s Hall area of St. Catherine and surrounding communities received health screening on August 20, through a National Health Fund (NHF) health fair.
Health Screening for Residents of Brown’s Hall
Photo: Contributed
Minister of Health, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton (right), presents educational items to children at a health fair and back-to-school event, organised by the National Heath Fund (NHF), at the Brown’s Hall Primary School, in St. Catherine, on August 20.

The Facts

  • Dr. Tufton emphasised that Jamaicans must take control of their health, and a key part of doing so is to engage in physical activity and eat nutritious foods.
  • He added that persons should also screen periodically to determine their health profile, so that they can adjust their lifestyle to suit that profile.

The Full Story

Scores of residents in the Brown’s Hall area of St. Catherine and surrounding communities received health screening on August 20, through a National Health Fund (NHF) health fair.

The event, which also targeted children who will be going back to school in September, was held at the Brown’s Hall Primary School.

Persons were screened for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, the level of iron in the blood, eye issues and HIV.  Counselling was also provided, and boys received free haircuts.

Minister of Health, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, told JIS News that the large turnout of persons was an indication that a crucial call is being heeded. “It is a call that we want to make national, because prevention is always better than cure,” the Minister said.

Dr. Tufton emphasised that Jamaicans must take control of their health, and a key part of doing so is to engage in physical activity and eat nutritious foods.

He added that persons should also screen periodically to determine their health profile, so that they can adjust their lifestyle to suit that profile.

Meanwhile, Health Promotion and Public Relations Manager at the NHF, Shermaine Robotham, said although the day’s activities included fun and frolic, they pushed the health message of the three Ps – plan, purchase and prepare.

“When you do that, you are able to purchase the low food items that have the best nutritional value,” she said.

In addition to the NHF, the Registrar General’s Department, National Council on Drug Abuse, the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH), Heart Trust/NTA, Early Childhood Commission and the St. Catherine Health Department provided various services at the event.

Private-sector entities, such as LASCO Distributors, Wisynco Group, T. Geddes Grant, Massy Distribution, Consolidated Bakeries, Facey Commodity, Nestlé Jamaica, Cari-Med, Kirk Distributors, Flow, and Seprod Limited sponsored the fair.

Last Updated: August 23, 2016

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