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Gov’t to Spend Millions to Upgrade Public Health Sector

June 21, 2007

The Full Story

The government, during the current financial year, intends to spend millions to improve the public health sector. The scope of work will include the construction of several health centres, undertaking upgrading work and procuring medical equipment.
Minister of Health, Horace Dalley, who made this disclosure during his contribution to the 2007/08 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on June 19, informed that health centres will be constructed at Highgate, St. Mary; Greenwich Town, St. Andrew; James Hill, Clarendon; Newport, Manchester; and Downs, Manchester, at a total cost of $215 million.
Additionally, upgrading work will be undertaken at Lluidas Vale Health Centre at a cost of $13 million; Grange Hill Health Centre, $8 million; Port Maria Dental Health Centre, $13.12 million; Jeffrey Town Health Centre, $13.12 million; and the Glengoffe Health Centre, $10 million.
The government also plans to commence a $153 million project at the Mandeville Regional Hospital, and the scope of works will include the construction of a new medical block as well as a psychiatric ward, and the expansion of the hospice and Ebenezer home.
The out-patient department of the Sav-La-Mar Hospital in Westmoreland, Mr. Dalley said further, will be renovated and expanded at a cost of $13 million, with an air conditioning system installed in the operating theatre at a cost of $5 million.
In addition, the kitchen facilities at the Kingston Public and the Victoria Jubilee Hospitals will be upgraded at a cost of $17.7 million; an $11.69 million project to renovate and upgrade the chiller systems at the Mandeville and May Pen Hospitals will be carried out, while the medical gases and central sterilization services at the Percy Junor Hospital in Manchester will benefit from a $7.14 million upgrade.
Turning to the procurement of medical equipment during this financial year, Mr. Dalley informed that ultrasound and echocardiogram equipment, valued at $17.1 million, will be purchased for the Bustamante Hospital for Children.
In addition, equipment will be procured for nursing stations and health facilities at a cost of some $24.5 million. The Percy Junor Hospital and Manchester Health Department will also receive medical equipment and instruments valued at $15.1 million.
The National Public Health Laboratory and the Cornwall Regional Hospital Laboratory will benefit from histopathology equipment, and the Kingston Public and Victoria Jubilee Hospitals will receive four ventilators at $4 million and $5.9 million, respectively.

Last Updated: June 21, 2007

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