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Govt. to Spend $33 Million to Patch Main Roads

November 5, 2004

The Full Story

The Government intends to spend approximately $33 million over the next three months to patch main roads damaged by Hurricane Ivan. In a release on November 5, State Minister in the Ministry of Transport and Works, Dr. Fenton Ferguson pointed out that the executing agency, the National Works Agency (NWA), would begin work on this programme this month and should be completed on time and within budget.
The eleven roads will be patched in this latest initiative include the Spur Tree to Gutters main road in Manchester; Whitney Turn to Four Paths main road in Clarendon; Marcus Garvey Drive in Kingston; Harbour View to Bull Bay main road in St. Andrew; Spanish Town to Bog Walk main road in St. Catherine; Montego Bay to Great River; and the Reading to Anchovy main road in St. James.
In the eastern section of the island, work will be done on the Agualta Vale to Martins main road in St. Mary; Hectors River main road in Portland; Bull Bay to Grants Pen main road in St. Thomas; and the Hopewell to Ocho Rios main road in St. Ann.
The contracts have been divided into 11 packages, and have been awarded to eight contractors – Mega-B Construction, Bacchus Engineering Works, Chicon Enterprise, Rebar Construction, Alcar Construction and Haulage Company, Graphic Design and Construction Services Limited, Odel Allen Construction and Multi-Angle Construction.
In a strong message to the contractors, the State Minister reiterated that the Ministry would not tolerate shoddy work and the NWA would demand value for money.
Dr. Ferguson emphasised that no pothole would be repaired without proper marking, measuring and squaring.

Last Updated: November 5, 2004

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