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Gov’t to Divest 4,633 Housing Units

May 31, 2007

The Full Story

As the Government continues to provide affordable housing solutions for Jamaicans, 4,633 units, which were developed for rental and as cooperatives and condominiums from early as the 1970s, are to be divested.
The schemes included in the divestment process are Arnett Gardens phases Four and Seven, Duhaney Park, McIntyre Lands, Tivoli Gardens, Logwood, Lacovia, and Gazeland in Kingston.
“For 2007/2008, 783 solutions will be divested under this programme, this includes 110 rental units, 190 townhouses and 483 upgraded lots,” said Minister of Housing, Transport, Water and Works, Robert Pickersgill in his contribution to the Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives yesterday (May 30).
Also under the divestment process, 750 certificates of title will be presented for 24 schemes and new applications for the splintering of titles will be made for 29 schemes.
In addition, 1,000 certificates of title will be delivered to persons, who have completed payments. “It is expected that 500 certificates of title will be received from the Office of Titles with purchasers’ names endorsed on them as title holders,” he said.
In the meantime, Minister Pickersgill informed that the government will be acquiring 32 properties island wide at a cost of $97.83 million, in order to regularise tenure for the existing occupants.
In addition, four properties comprising 109 lots will be upgraded at a cost of $27.73 million. “These properties are located at Angels, Caswell Farms and 164 Brunswick Avenue in St. Catherine and Penwood in Kingston 11,” the Housing Minister informed.

Last Updated: May 31, 2007

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