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Govt to Channel Funds into Athlete Welfare and Development

By: , September 10, 2015

The Key Point:

Funds previously earmarked for a national celebration of the country’s athletic achievements will be channelled into athlete development and welfare leading up to next year’s Olympic Games in Rio de Janiero, Brazil.
Govt to Channel Funds into Athlete Welfare and Development
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister with responsibility for Sport, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley (left), fields questions from journalists during today’s (Sept. 9) Jamaica House press briefing at the Office of the Prime Minister in Kingston. At right is Minister with responsibility for Information, Senator Hon. Sandrea Falconer.

The Facts

  • Minister with responsibility for Sport, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley, who made the disclosure at today’s (Sept. 9) Jamaica House Press Briefing, said the decision followed consultations with stakeholders within the sports industry.
  • These include the Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association (JAAA), the inter-ministerial committee established by the Prime Minister, and members of the athletic fraternity.

The Full Story

Funds previously earmarked for a national celebration of the country’s athletic achievements will be channelled into athlete development and welfare leading up to next year’s Olympic Games in Rio de Janiero, Brazil.

Minister with responsibility for Sport, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley, who made the disclosure at today’s (Sept. 9) Jamaica House Press Briefing, said the decision followed consultations with stakeholders within the sports industry.

These include the Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association (JAAA), the inter-ministerial committee established by the Prime Minister, and members of the athletic fraternity.

The celebrations were being organised to fete the athletes for their performance at the recent IAAF World Athletics Championships in Beijing, China.

“The sum to be saved will allow support to be given to the JAAA, through the Sport Development Foundation, to provide a monthly stipend to a pool of approximately 70 athletes currently in the national programme, and those going through the developmental process heading into Rio 2016,” Mrs. Neita Headley informed.

“We anticipate that with support from the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF), and CHASE, this will become a sustained reality for the future as well,” Mrs. Neita Headley said, noting that the Government will be seeking additional financial support in order to ensure that the initiative is sustained beyond next year’s Olympic Games.

She pledged that the Government will continue its efforts to create the best environment possible for the health, well-being, security and safety as well as the high performance and prosperity of the island’s sportsmen and sportswomen, who bring glory and fame to Brand Jamaica.

“The Government remains fully committed to assisting the nation’s athletes in every way we can,” she said.


“Our athletes have made us extremely proud. Together, we must continue to give them our full support, going into Olympics next year, and indeed for all the years to come,” Mrs. Neita Headley stressed.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Neita Headley noted that while an “elaborate” national celebration will not occur this year, the athletes will be hosted at a special reception by the Prime Minister, over the Heroes weekend in October.

This reception, she informed, will be broadcast live to the nation.

Last Updated: September 10, 2015

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