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Gov’t Supports Efforts to Boost Employment and Entrepreneurship – Kellier

September 28, 2006

The Full Story

Minister of Labour and Social Security, Derrick Kellier, has said that the government is committed to employment creation through small business development and fully supported initiatives to promote entrepreneurship. He noted that, “there is a shared recognition that the combined effort of the government and the private sector is required to meet these objectives. The Government has no intention from departing from its commitment, and fully supports initiatives to boost employment and entrepreneurship.”
Minister Kellier, who was addressing the third annual Evening of Excellence of the Jamaica Employers’ Federation (JEF) on Wednesday (Sept. 26) at the Little Theatre, spoke glowingly of the increased number of start-up businesses that are “driving development and providing employment across the island.”
He said that the government’s tangible support for small business development, as reflected in the recent $1 billion investment in small and medium enterprises (SME) “is not happening by accident. It is a deliberate part of the long-term policy approach as stated in the National Industrial Policy.”
Minister Kellier pointed out that the revolving fund, the details of which are contained in a Ministry Paper, which he tabled in the House of Representatives earlier in the day, would provide much needed capital for the sector, which employed more than 50 per cent of the Jamaican work force.
In the meanwhile, JEF President, Audrey Hinchcliffe, implored staff in government and private sector agencies, to shun inferior service and mediocrity. She said it was important to meet and exceed expected performance levels and strive for excellence, as competition in the global workforce required “being better than your competitors”.
“While success means being better than everyone else, excellence means better tomorrow than you were yesterday, exceeding the achievements of other people, matching your practise with your potential,” Mrs. Hinchcliffe outlined.
She was quick to point out that although competition was healthy, staff should work as members of a functional unit, and not seek to outdo each other. “We should be the best that we can be,” she stressed.
The award ceremony was hosted by the JEF to honour small business operators, who were employing individuals on a consistent basis, as well as to recognise established government and private agencies for excellence in service delivery and human resource development.
Some 12 ‘Employers of Choice’, awards were presented, with HEART Trust/NTA copping three of these awards.
Two young entrepreneurs, Marcus James of Access Financial Services Limited and Michelle Gordon of Boy-o-Boy Limited, a clothing boutique, were also recognised for providing employment.
The Evening of Excellence was part of activities by the JEF to mark National Employers Month in September under the theme: ‘Employment creation through entrepreneurial and business development.’

Last Updated: September 28, 2006

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