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Govt. is Determined to Eradicate Illiteracy – Dr. Rhodd

May 31, 2005

The Full Story

Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Culture, Dr. Donald Rhodd has reiterated government’s determination to eradicate illiteracy from the society.
This goal, he noted, was necessary if the country is to successfully confront challenges and place itself on the cutting edge of the global economy.Dr. Rhodd was delivering the main address at the official launch of a communication skills centre at Happy Grove High School in Portland, on May 27.
The State Minister, who also presented the school with a portable reading laboratory on behalf of the Ministry, said the effort to eradicate illiteracy must be given top priority by everyone if Jamaica is to make the kind of transformation that would guarantee social and economic mobility for its citizens, and enable the nation to continue to earn the respect of the international community.
He pointed out that the presentation of the reading laboratory represented government’s commitment to ensure that the students achieve a high literacy rate, adding that one of the problems plaguing the education sector was the fact that several students were not reading at a level commensurate with their grade or age.
Dr. Rhodd said this situation was intolerable, and if allowed to continue, it would affect the ability of the students to demand good jobs and play their proper role in the society when they became adults.
The State Minister emphasised that a good education was better than fame and fortune, and encouraged the students of the school to take full advantage of the communication skills centre and the reading laboratory.
He congratulated the staff of the school for their effort in establishing the centre, and gave an assurance that as Member of Parliament, he would support the centre and the portable reading laboratory.
The students and teachers told JIS News that they were grateful for the communication skills centre, and also thanked Dr. Rhodd for donating the portable reading laboratory.
The establishment of the centre was made possible through the contributions of several persons in the public and private sectors.

Last Updated: May 31, 2005

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