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Gov’t Fast-Tracking Implementation of DNA Act Regulations

By: , February 11, 2017

The Key Point:

The Government will be fast-tracking the implementation of accompanying regulations for the DNA Evidence Act during the 2017/18 legislative year.
Gov’t Fast-Tracking Implementation of DNA Act Regulations
Minister of National Security, Hon. Robert Montague. (FILE)

The Facts

  • This is expected to, among other things, facilitate the activation of the National DNA Register that will be pivotal in forensic investigations by the police.
  • National Security Minister, Hon. Robert Montague, made the disclosure while speaking with journalists following Thursday’s (February 9) Ceremonial Opening of Parliament at Gordon House.

The Full Story

The Government will be fast-tracking the implementation of accompanying regulations for the DNA Evidence Act during the 2017/18 legislative year.

This is expected to, among other things, facilitate the activation of the National DNA Register that will be pivotal in forensic investigations by the police.

National Security Minister, Hon. Robert Montague, made the disclosure while speaking with journalists following Thursday’s (February 9) Ceremonial Opening of Parliament at Gordon House.

The DNA Evidence Act, which was passed by both Houses of Parliament in 2015, is critical in the Government’s fight against crime.

It stipulates the compulsory extraction of DNA samples from suspects and convicted persons; outlines the protocol for collecting, retaining and preserving these, as also the retention or destruction of DNA profiles; and outlines penalties for breaches of the Act.

These breaches include: falsifying profiles; swapping DNA samples or profiles with intent to deceive; and tampering with containers or packages bearing profile samples.

Given the legislation’s importance, Mr. Montague has assured that the implementation of the regulations and other provisions “will be done this legislative year.”

Last Updated: February 13, 2017

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