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Government to Strengthen Framework to Deal with Deportees

By: , February 16, 2017

The Full Story

The Government is to strengthen the policy, legislative and institutional framework that guides the management and treatment of involuntary returned migrants (deportees) to the island.

Some $13.8 million has been set aside in the 2017-18 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives, for the activities under the Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Involuntary Returned Migrants in Jamaica.

To be implemented by the Ministry of National Security, the initiative, which is slated to begin in April 2017, will end in March 2019.

The money for this financial year will go towards conducting a baseline study and spatial mapping on deported persons; developing minimum standard operating procedures for the reintegration of deported migrants; commencing consultations with stakeholders in an attempt to revise the National Deportation Policy; and commencing capacity development activities for the local authorities.

The project is being financed through the United Nations Development Programme.

Last Updated: February 16, 2017

Jamaica Information Service