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Government to Roll Out Human Capital Enterprise Management System

By: , April 12, 2017

The Key Point:

The Government is in the process of rolling out the Human Capital Enterprise Management System to enable the automation of the administrative functions of human resource (HR) management.

The Facts

  • The implementation will enable the HR team within ministries, departments and agencies to focus on more strategic areas of HR, such as manpower planning and employee development.

The Full Story

The Government is in the process of rolling out the Human Capital Enterprise Management System to enable the automation of the administrative functions of human resource (HR) management.

State Minister in the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Hon. Rudyard Spencer, gave details of the move in his contribution to the 2017/18 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on April 11.

The implementation will enable the HR team within ministries, departments and agencies to focus on more strategic areas of HR, such as manpower planning and employee development.

The Public Sector Transformation Implementation Team, in collaboration with the Strategic Human Resource Management Division of the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, has been working with the country’s HR community in adjusting to the computerised system.

This initiative is in line with the Government’s Public Sector Transformation programme, which aims to strengthen public resource management and support public-sector institutions in facilitating a more enabling environment for private-sector growth.

“One of the primary outcomes of transformation is the improvement in customer service from the public sector, where every citizen of the country sees that their interaction with the Government agencies has improved and continues to improve,” the State Minister said.

The Transformation programme will focus on five priority areas.

These are Business Facilitation and Customer Service, to improve the quality of services that directly affect businesses; Integrated Information and Communications Technology, for greater integration of government information infrastructure and systems for enhancing service delivery; and Public Sector Human Resource Development and Management, to improve the capacity of the public-sector workforce in the delivery of government services.

There are also Resource Management and Accountability, which aims to increase transparency and accountability across Government; and Administrative Efficiency, to improve the utilisation of resources to deliver maximum output at minimum cost.

Last Updated: April 12, 2017

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