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GG Hails Cornwall County Achievers

By: , August 30, 2014

The Key Point:

His Excellency The Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen has commended the 2014 recipients of the Governor General’s Achievement Award (GGAA) for their contribution to national building.
GG Hails Cornwall County Achievers
Governor General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (left), offers words of commendation to Westmoreland teacher, Swaine Esson (centre), while presenting him with the Governor General’s Achievement Award on Thursday (August 28), at the All American Institute of Medical Sciences in Black River, St. Elizabeth. Sharing the occasion at right is the Custos of Westmoreland, Hon. Hartley Perrin.

The Facts

  • The Governor General was addressing the Cornwall County presentation ceremony, which took place on Thursday (August 28), at the All American Institute of Medical Sciences in Black River, St. Elizabeth.
  • He said he remains convinced that Jamaica can achieve the goals of Vision 2030. “We will achieve this vision by working together effectively, committing our best to the tasks at hand and with integrity.

The Full Story

Governor General, His Excellency The Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, has commended the 2014 recipients of the Governor General’s Achievement Award (GGAA) for their contribution to national building.

He said that by voluntarily contributing to your communities, oftentimes with minimal resources and financial support, they have chosen to be part of Jamaica’s transformation “into the place of choice defined in Vision 2030, where we ‘live, work, raise families and do business’.”

The Governor General was addressing the Cornwall County presentation ceremony, which took place on Thursday (August 28), at the All American Institute of Medical Sciences in Black River, St. Elizabeth.

During the function, 14 persons, including youth recipients, were recognized for their roles in the development of their respective parishes. There were three awardees each from the parishes of St. Elizabeth, Westmoreland, Hanover and St. James; and two from Trelawny.

The Governor General, in hailing the award recipients, said he remains encouraged by their “selflessness”.

“We recognize, today, individuals who have overcome odds and succeeded and are selflessly contributing to building their communities… young persons who have prevailed over difficulties and have excelled academically,” he stated.

He said he remains convinced that Jamaica can achieve the goals of Vision 2030. “We will achieve this vision by working together effectively, committing our best to the tasks at hand and with integrity. We will achieve this vision by motivating our people to adopt the philosophy, mindset and outlook, which is deserving of this prestigious award.

“We will achieve this vision by participating in and spreading the message of the ‘I Believe Initiative’. We will help the youth to believe that they too can “accomplish what they will” by using their God-given potential to achieve their dreams, improve the welfare of their families, and build a better Jamaica,” the Governor General stated.

Last Updated: February 18, 2020

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