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Generation at Wigton Wind Farm on Target

June 2, 2005

The Full Story

During the 2004/05 fiscal period, the Wigton wind farm in Manchester, on some occasions, exceeded the expected average generation of 7 megawatts (MW) of electricity. The farm has a technical capacity of 20.7 MW.
This is reported in Ministry Paper Number 55, which was tabled in the House of Representatives, yesterday (June 1) by Minister of Commerce, Science and Technology, Phillip Paulwell, to inform Parliament and the public about the performance of Wigton Windfarm Limited for the period, and its plans and focus for the 2005/06 financial year.
The strategic objectives of the plant during the period under review were to provide lower cost electricity to the Jamaican market through the use of wind power and other renewable forms of energy; collect and analyze wind data in Jamaica to identify potential locations for future wind farms; utilize or recommend the use of the most recent and affordable renewable energy technology for the Jamaican market; and target wider usage of renewable energy equipment in remote rural communities.
Supported by a budget of just over $194 million for this fiscal year, the company is expected to realize installed output capacity of 50 MW of wind power between 2005 and 2008, and install 10 kilowatts from the usage of solar power/photovoltaic by 2006.
The wind farm, which began operations in 2004 is designed to diversify the country’s energy mix, and the mission of Wigton Windfarm Limited is to manage and operate the wind farm; supply wind power to the local grid at the most competitive rate; identify wind potential sites in the island; analyze data from potential sites; and ascertain the most feasible locations for expansion of wind power as a source of energy for Jamaica.

Last Updated: June 2, 2005

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