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Former Counsul General to New York Launches Book on Jamaicans in America

By: , December 16, 2013

The Key Point:

Entitled: ‘The Jamaicans: Children of God in the Promised Land’ the book explores the contribution of Jamaicans to the development of the USA.

The Facts

  • Ambassador Bryan stated that the publication looks at the early beginnings and development of the Jamaican Diaspora worldwide.
  • The Jamaican community, found predominantly in the east and south east regions of the USA, has made monumental contributions.

The Full Story

A new book, exploring the story of Jamaicans in the United States of America (USA), was launched on Thursday, December 12, at the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.

Entitled: ‘The Jamaicans: Children of God in the Promised Land’ the book explores the contribution of Jamaicans to the development of the USA as well as their continued ties to their homeland. It is authored by Jamaica’s former Consul General to New York, Ambassador Dr. Basil Bryan.

In providing an overview, Ambassador Bryan stated that the publication looks at the early beginnings and development of the Jamaican Diaspora worldwide, “as the Jamaican people chased their dreams through migration and disseminated and affirmed the magic of Jamaica throughout the world”.

He pointed out that the communion between Jamaica and America was developed over the past two centuries, and was carried along by the compelling force of culture, music, and the indomitable spirit of the Jamaican people.

The Jamaican community, found predominantly in the east and south east regions of the USA, has made monumental contributions that have enriched their adopted home as well as in Jamaica, Ambassador Bryan noted.

He said that the book is filled with tales of inspiration, perseverance, going against the mainstream and succeeding despite the odds, while relating the efforts of Jamaicans to maintain connection with the land of their birth.

He pointed out that despite migration, the Jamaican people, propelled by a legacy of excellence passed from generation to generation, have kept faith with the land of their birth, holding strongly to their identity.

“Migration has clearly not dulled the intense feelings of patriotism, but in absolutely remarkable ways, has further ignited the passion that Jamaicans feel for their homeland,” he stated.

“As a matter of fact, from the early days of the last century to today, the Jamaican people in America have made tremendous sacrifices in their daily lives to the benefit of their homeland,” he added.

Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United States, His Excellency Ambassador Vasciannie, congratulated Ambassador Bryan for chronicling the story of Jamaicans, their contribution and development within the Diaspora.

Ambassador Vasciannie said such a book is long overdue and will serve as an inspiration for generations to come.

Members of the diplomatic corps as well as the Caribbean Diaspora from as far away as Baltimore, Connecticut, Richmond, Virginia and Florida, braved the cold weather to attend the book launch.

Last Updated: December 16, 2013

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