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Forensic Audit of PCJ’s Operations Started Today

February 17, 2009

The Full Story

A forensic audit of the operations of the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ), which started today, is to be conducted over the next 17 weeks, Jamaica House has disclosed.
Cabinet was briefed on the issue last week Monday. The brief stated that the exercise arose out of a preliminary assessment of the PCJ, Petrojam, and Petcom, by a Canadian forensic audit consultant, whose visit to Jamaica was facilitated by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
“Based on the findings, the consultant recommended the forensic audit of the PCJ and Petcom,” the document stated.
According to the brief, CIDA has consented to provide funding support for the audit, with the Ministry of Education and PCJ expected to pump some C$213,300 into the undertaking.
Meanwhile, Cabinet has approved an amendment to the National Solid Waste Management Authority Act, to increase the membership of the Board of Directors of the agency from 11 to 13, by including two representatives of the Association of Local Government Authorities of Jamaica (ALGAJ).
The brief said that the current Board complement did not include the voice of Local Government.
“ALGAJ’s involvement is critical, in ensuring that the interests of the local authorities are incorporated in the decision making process, as the ALGAJ is the representative body responsible for the interest and welfare of the Local Government authorities,” the document stated.
It added that the NSWMA’s current functions, in relation to the collection and disposal of waste, was being funded largely by property taxes dedicated to the local authorities.

Last Updated: August 30, 2013

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