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Follow Norman Manley’s Example, Says Custos of Manchester

June 29, 2009

The Full Story

Custos of Manchester, Dr. the Hon. Gilbert Allen, has called on Jamaicans to follow the examples of National Hero, the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley, in building their communities and the country.
Dr. Allen made the call at a church service commemorating the 116th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Manley on Sunday (June 28), at the Wesley Methodist Church, Porus, Manchester.
He stressed that although many might not achieve success in the areas that Mr. Manley did, they can still contribute significantly to national development.
“He was a visionary and nation builder. He had a dream; he dreamt that Jamaica could break the shackles of colonialism, and he dedicated his entire life to the fulfillment of that dream,” the Custos said.
“Let us emulate his love for country, let us share his concern for the poor, and pattern his brand of good caring fatherhood. Let his life continue to inspire us in all the virtues that will make us a good people,” he added.
Her Worship the Mayor of Mandeville, Councillor Brenda Ramsay, said that Mr. Manley’s mission was about self-governance, and showing that Jamaicans were capable of being among the best in the world.
“His charge to us was for us to achieve economic independence. All of us must join together to achieve this goal. We must unite to make his vision a reality,” she stated.
The Rev. Michael Graham, Superintendent Leader of the Wesley Methodist Church who delivered the sermon, noted that the areas in which Norman Manley excelled, were achieved through a purpose.
“He has left us with many national institutions, things that are serving us even today, and will continue for a long time to come. Celebrate yes, but have a commitment to nation building,” he said.
Norman Manley was born on July 4, 1893 at Roxborough, Manchester, and died on September 2, 1969. The Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) and the Manchester Parish Council will host a civic function in his honour at his birthplace, on July 4, starting at 11:00 a.m.

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

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