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Floridians give Generously to Hurricane Recovery

February 16, 2005

The Full Story

The Jamaica Consulate in Miami has received almost US$346,000 in hurricane recovery assistance from donors in Florida. The funds, which came from charitable and support organizations, churches, educational institutions, corporate donors as well as individuals, have been turned over to the Office of National Reconstruction (ONR), which was established by the Prime Minister P.J. Patterson, to coordinate the recovery and reconstruction efforts following the passage of Hurricane Ivan last September.
Support also came in the form of construction material, personal hygiene and medical supplies, food and educational items, while medical professionals, church groups, among others, volunteered their time and expertise.
The Hurricane Relief Fund was launched by Consul General, Ricardo Allicock immediately following the hurricane, which impacted the entire island resulting in billions of dollars in damage.
The Consul General expressed appreciation to the many donors, whom he praised for their courage and overwhelming support in helping to restore normalcy to the country.
According to Mr. Allicock, the donation underscored the tremendous support that Jamaica enjoyed outside of its shores. The people of Jamaica, he said, owed a debt of gratitude to the many residents of Florida, who continue to give their support.

Last Updated: February 16, 2005

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