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Fisher Folk Urged to Heed Hurricane Warnings

July 17, 2005

The Full Story

President of the Jamaica Agricultural Society (JAS), Senator Norman Grant is advising all fisher folk to take hurricane warnings seriously.
This comes in wake of the fact that up to late Saturday, some fishermen were still out at sea, despite the threat of Hurricane Emily.
Senator Grant, lamenting that persons were not taking all the necessary precautions, stressed that it did not make sense to risk one’s life and property for a single catch, “when we can save our lives to make many, many other catches.”
The JAS President told JIS News that fisher folk, while not now a member of the JAS, would become affiliate members soon.
“The fisher folk are a group of farmers that the Jamaica Agricultural Society has been in dialogue with and they will be coming under the umbrella of the Jamaica Agricultural Society, as one of its affiliated groups. I think that move will certainly help to inform the fishermen and we will work very closely with them . in cases of disasters like these. We just have to take these things seriously,” he stressed.
Turning to the need to protect all food sources, Mr. Grant said, “we know we have a mandate to keep the food security plan on track, and to ensure that the rural-urban drift is not only slowed down, but is reversed.” He said that notwithstanding the difficulties after Hurricanes Ivan, Dennis, and Emily, the sector would bounce back by the help of God. He also added that hopefully, government assistance would be forthcoming in a relatively short period of time.

Last Updated: July 17, 2005

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