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Fighting Corruption is a Coalition Effort – PM Golding

March 23, 2011

The Full Story

Prime Minister Bruce Golding has hailed the support from Jamaica's bilateral partners in fighting narco trafficking, but underscored a need to return to the rebuilding of values and standards as an essential move in fighting corruption.

“Fighting corruption requires much more. It requires a coalition of forces and a coalition of efforts. It involves the government, it involves the media, it involves civil society and it requires, importantly, a recovery and a rebuilding of the values and standards that we currently face in our society against corruption. Legislation alone can’t do that. All the bilateral assistance in the world can’t do that,” Mr Golding said.

Mr. Golding was addressing the opening ceremony of the anti corruption conference of the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) in Kingston on March 22. The conference was arranged by the Jamaica Constabulary Force and USAID. The CBSI is a collaboration of the USA and Caribbean nations to strengthen regional security. It was introduced by USA President Barack Obama at the Fifth Summit of the Americas in 2009 in Trinidad.

The Prime Minister remarked on the strong support that Jamaica receives from the United States of America to combat narco trafficking.

“We have benefited, and we continue to benefit, from the assistance provided by the United States and the cooperation that has been provided in regional security in securing our sea washed borders against drug trafficking, in enhancing our capability to counter international terrorism, something to which we have never been accustomed and something to which we are exposed,” Mr Golding said.

Minister of National Security and Justice, Dwight Nelson, and the Commissioner of Police, Owen Ellington, were among the officials who addressed the conference.

The CBSI law enforcement, anti corruption conference is a forum to strengthen regional cooperation. It will launch the regional anti corruption network for all participating nations and their agencies towards reducing illicit trafficking, increasing public safety and security and promoting social justice. It involves all CARICOM members, the USA, the UK, Canada and other nations who have Caribbean marine borders. Regional military and police chiefs are also attending.


Audio Clips Below:




Issued By: The Office of the Prime Minister

Last Updated: August 9, 2013

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