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Field Trips to Mining Locations for National Minerals Week

February 17, 2009

The Full Story

Field trips are some of the many activities that the Ministry of Mining and Telecommunications has planned for National Minerals Week from February 15-21.
The trips, which are slated for Wednesday, February 18, will offer exposure to the practical aspects of the mining industry, and heighten public awareness and interest in the sector.
Open to business persons, tertiary students, members of the banking sector, and other interested persons, the trips will be made to Lydford Mining Operations and the old Reynolds pier in St. Ann, as well as the West Indies Alumina Company (WINDALCo) located in St. Catherine.
At Lydford, participants will observe the mining of high grade limestone for the local and export markets, as well as for the production of a range of items, including pharmaceuticals, such as calcium tablets and medicines for upset stomach; anti-caking agents used in flour; cleaning agents; fertiliser and paint. At the old Reynolds pier, they will view the seven-mile conveyor belt system, which is an integral piece of equipment for the mining and shipping of mineral products and at WINDALCo, they will observe how rehabilitated mined lands are used.
Senior Director of Policy and Planning at the Ministry of Mining and Telecommunications, Oral Rainford, who is co-ordinating the field trips, told JIS News, that since 1952, approximately 5,950 hectares of mined-out lands have been certified by the Commissioner of Mines, as having been satisfactorily rehabilitated. Some of these have been used for housing, forestry, agriculture and water catchments.
He informed that the field trips were free of cost, but participants must provide their own lunch and beverages. Buses will leave from the Jamaica Bauxite Institute at Hope Gardens at 8.00 a.m on Wednesday.
Persons who wish to go on these field trips, should make reservations by calling Mr. Rainford at 855-8909 or emailing nettro@yahoo.com. They may also contact Clinton Thompson at 927 1936-40 or by email at commissioner@mgd.gov.jm.

Last Updated: March 22, 2020

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