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Ffolkes Abrahams Boosting Entrepreneurial Skills in West Central St James

By: , June 29, 2013

The Full Story

State Minister for Industry, Investment and Commerce, and Member of Parliament for West Central St. James, Hon. Sharon Ffolkes Abrahams, is pushing to increase the level of entrepreneurial skills in her constituency.

Mrs. Ffolkes Abrahams reported during her Sectoral presentation in the House of Representatives on June 25, that some 105 budding and existing entrepreneurs have been receiving training through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and should be graduating soon.

“Utilising the expertise of the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC), we have trained constituents in areas such as business management, ethics and marketing,” she informed, noting that the first training sessions were held in April 2013.

“I believe that small business and entrepreneurship is the answer to growth and development in our economy. I believe in empowering persons to help themselves, and they in turn, will help their families and their communities,” she stated.

Mrs. Ffolkes Abrahams also informed that the Sam Sharpe Teachers’ College will be utilised as a centre of literacy and continuous learning, while a facility for centre for entrepreneurship will be created in Mount Salem.

“My aim is to increase the level of entrepreneurial skills in the constituency and provide a programme to continuously enhance the capabilities of residents in the various communities of West Central, St. James,” she said.


She further informed that a partnership is being developed with the Diaspora to develop a comprehensive sustainable development plan to transform the Granville/Pitfour/Retirement District into a sustainable township in collaboration with the St. James Parish Development Committee.

“The transformation will be driven by entrepreneurship, small business development and agriculture, underpinned by skills training, mentorship and the inculcation of values and attitudes,” she said.




Last Updated: July 23, 2013

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