PEP Textbook Authors Adjusting to Meet New Education Sector Demands
By: January 21, 2019 ,The Key Point:
The Facts
- The PEP replaces the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) as the national secondary-school entrance test.
- It is intended to provide a better and more complete profile of students’ academic and critical-thinking capabilities at the end of primary-level education.
The Full Story
Authors of Primary Exit Profile (PEP) textbooks are making adjustments to meet the new demands of the education sector regarding the examination’s implementation.
The PEP replaces the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) as the national secondary-school entrance test.
It is intended to provide a better and more complete profile of students’ academic and critical-thinking capabilities at the end of primary-level education.
Author of the Performance Task ‘PEP Practice for Grades four, five and six students’ and the Ability Test Workbook ‘PEP Practice for Grades four, five and six students’, Dr. Shalette Ashman, tells JIS News that she has been preparing to meet the new standards.
“We are PEP ready, so we have a PEP App, a PEP website and we have a PEP Performance Task book and a PEP Ability Test book,” she outlines.
Additionally, Dr. Ashman says she is currently working on a book titled ‘JamaVerse PEP Mathematics Comic Book’ which is intended to communicate mathematics principles in an excited way.
“The comic basically connects with the lives of five kids, their dog and a superhero. They go through Jamaica solving problems, getting super powers and each page of the comic has a PEP math question. It’s going to encourage reading, as well as working PEP math questions,” she states.
Dr. Ashman further informs of an upcoming anime feature and video game for the comic series.
“One of the television [station] have already indicated that they want to air the anime, and we have a video game that we are going to be putting on the Google Play Store,” she says.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ashman advised that Grade Six teachers are able to get free copies of the two PEP books now available, by contacting her office.
“Teachers who have adopted, meaning that they are using the book with their students, will get access to both books at no cost, and they’ll also get access to our website absolutely free. They can call our office (876) 926-1221 or (876) 351-7777,” she tells JIS News.
She also indicates that Digicel subscribers can access PEP data on for free.
“We have a partnership with Digicel, so once you have a Digicel phone, you don’t even need credit on your phone to go on our website. All the learning material on our website is free. The only thing you pay for is testing material,” she informs.
Meanwhile, Author of Cheetah PEP practice books, Dr. Paulette Trowers-Lawrence, tells JIS News that her publishing agency is also prepared for PEP.
She informs that three books have already been published. These are: PEP Science Practice Questions; PEP Ability Practice Questions; and PEP Mathematics Practice Questions.
“We have constructed the books in such a way to align with the National Standards Curriculum. For instance with the maths….we break those questions down based on the six question types. So for instance, for numbers, we’ll have single responses, multiple responses, short constructed answers and also extended activities and order grid,” Dr. Trowers-Lawrence explains.
“This makes it easier for the teacher to utilize the material in the classroom and also for a child who wants to work independently on his or her own at home or school,” she adds.
Dr. Trowers-Lawrence says she is proud to be able to transition from GSAT, the format for which was multiple choice questions, to PEP comprising different question types.
“I love the idea of being able to allow them [students] to apply the information, not just in schools, but for life,” she tells JIS News.
All of the text books have been endorsed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information.
The Ability Test for PEP will be held on February 26; the Performance Task Test will be held on March 27 and 28; and the Curriculum Based Test will be done on April 16 and 17.