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Jourdyne Triumphs Over Double Tragedy

By: , September 21, 2023
Jourdyne Triumphs Over Double Tragedy
Photo: Michael Sloley
Top Primary Exit Profile (PEP) students at the Old Harbour Primary School in St. Catherine, Jourdyne Anderson (left) and Daniel McLaren.

The Full Story

Jourdyne Anderson’s teacher, Natalie Mitchell Warren, recalls that when she saw her student’s Primary Exit Profile (PEP) scores, which were in the high 90 per cent, she “jumped and screamed for joy”.

She tells JIS News that she was very proud of Jourdyne, who had to overcome a double tragedy during her PEP journey.

Her grandmother passed away when she was in grade four and her mother succumbed to cancer eight months later.

The Old Harbour Primary School teacher says that as the student grieved the loss of her loved ones, she was there to work with and encourage her.

“She was someone who worked hard, she was focused and took her work seriously,” the teacher shares.

“With that attitude and continued motivation, I have seen where she pulled it off, and is very successful today,” she tells JIS News.

Top girl in the Primary Exit Profile at the St. Catherine-based Old Harbour Primary School, Jourdyne Anderson (left) is congratulated by Principal of the institution, George Goode (right). Looking on are Althea Smith (left), mother of top boy Daniel McLaren (centre), and Grade-six teacher at the school, Natalie Mitchell Warren.

Jourdyne, who emerged the top PEP girl for her school, is now in grade seven at Old Harbour High.

She was placed at her first-choice school, Glenmuir High in Clarendon, but her family decided it was best to have her attend school closer to home.

Jourdyne’s grandfather, Anthony Brown tells JIS News that he is proud that she was able to overcome the deaths of her mother and grandmother to ace her exams.

He shares that she studied hard, making good use of online resources, and never had to be reminded that schoolwork was due.

“She makes me proud,” he says, noting that he shed tears at the news that she was the top student for her school.

While noting that the family still grieves for their loved ones, he says “that is one chapter, and another chapter is here now, and we are working on it”.

Principal of Old Harbour Primary School in St. Catherine, George Goode (second left), speaks with top Primary Exit Profile (PEP) students Daniel McLaren (third left) and Jourdyne Anderson. Sharing the moment (from left) are Grade-six teacher, Natalie Mitchell Warren; Daniel’s mother, Althea Smith; and Jourdyne’s grandfather, Anthony Brown.

Principal of Old Harbour Primary, George Goode, who says that Jourdyne was “exceptional” in PEP, tells JIS News that he supports the decision for her to attend Old Harbour High School.

“It is a credit that we can send one of our best-performing students to this institution of high excellence,” Mr. Goode shares, noting that parents with children who achieve 96 per cent and over in their exams do not have to consider sending them to traditional schools several miles outside of the community.

Meanwhile, top boy, student Daniel McLaren, who is now at Kingston College, is described by Mr. Goode as a “gentle giant” who is committed to his schoolwork.

“He inspires us and the rest of his classmates,” he says.

Daniel’s mother, Althea Smith, says his academic achievement has brought joy to the family.

She credits the school for his success.

“He came to this school from grade one and the teachers always help him and work with him,” she shares with JIS News.

Principal of the Old Harbour Primary School in St. Catherine, George Goode (right), congratulates top boy in the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) Daniel McLaren (centre). Sharing the moment (from left) are top girl, Jourdyne Anderson; Daniel’s mother, Althea Smith; and Grade-six teacher at the school, Natalie Mitchell Warren.

Principal Goode reports that 64 per cent of the students were placed at their school of choice based on their PEP results.

He says that during COVID-19, “we had good parental support in the home-school partnership, and we attribute the success to not only what happened at the school but in the homes, where parents are involved in the lives of their children”.

He shares that the institution exposes its students to “very important concepts” from grade one to grade six when the PEP exams are administered.

There is a dedicated teacher for Performance Task skills preparation and development, the Old Harbour Primary School Principal says.

Jamaica Information Service