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DFL Importers Embracing Plastic Ban With Eco-Friendly Products

By: , December 23, 2019

The Key Point:

DFL Importers, once the largest local supplier of polystyrene (Styrofoam) food containers, has retrofitted its operations is now offering a range of eco-friendly products.
DFL Importers Embracing Plastic Ban With Eco-Friendly Products
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Food Service Manager at DFL Importers, Richard Gordon (left), provides details about the range of eco-friendly food containers the company distributes, during a recent JIS News interview at the company’s office at 71 Molynes Road, Kingston. Listening is Sales Manager, Mark DeCasseres.

The Facts

  • These items, which meet international standards, are made from materials such as cardboard, bagasse, minerals and paper.
  • Sales Manager, Mark DeCasseres, tells JIS News that the change is in support of the Government’s ban on single use plastics and polystyrene foam as part of the drive to preserve the environment.

The Full Story

DFL Importers, once the largest local supplier of polystyrene (Styrofoam) food containers, has retrofitted its operations is now offering a range of eco-friendly products.

These items, which meet international standards, are made from materials such as cardboard, bagasse, minerals and paper.

Sales Manager, Mark DeCasseres, tells JIS News that the change is in support of the Government’s ban on single use plastics and polystyrene foam as part of the drive to preserve the environment.

Food Service Manager, DFL Importers, Richard Gordon (left), highlights features of an eco-friendly food container made from bagasse, during a recent JIS interview at the company’s office at 71 Molynes Road, Kingston. Looking on is Sales Manager, Mark DeCasseres.


“We are fully behind the efforts to go green. We love Jamaica and we are enthusiastic about the ban on single use plastics. The company actually started out in farming so we know how important it is to protect the environment,” he says.

DFL Importers was established in 1976 as a livestock farm, 20 miles out of Kingston, supplying some of the island’s top supermarkets, restaurants and hotels.

In 1995, the company expanded into distribution, supplying a range of products including polystyrene food containers.

Mr. DeCasseres tells JIS News that after hearing the Government’s announcement of a ban on single use plastics and polystyrene foam “the DFL management team knew the company had to make big changes for the good of the environment and live up to its tag line ‘The Team That Cares’.”

“Prior to the ban, we were the single largest importer of polystyrene because of the demand for the product. As we became more aware of what the ban meant for the environment and consumers, we were looking to offer a solution and not just sell a product,” he explains.

Food Service Manager at DFL Importers, Richard Gordon, tells JIS News that as the company went about retrofitting its operations, extensive research and consultations were held.

Food Service Manager at DFL Importers, Richard Gordon, displays a locally-made paper straw that the company distributes, as part of its eco-friendly range of products.


“To ensure that the company could satisfy the demand for durable and practical alternatives to polystyrene food containers, we worked closely with our customers. Initially, many businesses were unclear about how they would proceed with their operations and we found that these consultations greatly helped them,” Mr. Gordon says.

He highlights that the team attended trade shows and used supply models from other countries, which have implemented similar bans.

“We offer multiple eco-friendly food container options and all of them have passed the necessary regulations and are Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved. The designs have improved to better hold gravies, soups and stews. For example, the cardboard is lined with a wax coating, which protects against liquids seeping out,” Mr. Gordon explains.

The Food Service Manager notes that the products are subject to in-house testing as part of the company’s commitment to delivering quality food containers.

“It is inspiring that a number of Jamaicans are making the switch, so we take pride in providing them with quality eco-friendly alternatives,” he points out.

A complete catalogue of DFL Importers’ eco-friendly food storage options, including locally made paper straws, can be found on the company’s website at www.dflimporters.com.

“We are happy to assist business operators, who are looking to fully make the switch to eco-friendly products and they can contact us at 876- 622-6718 or visit our office at 71 Molynes Road, Kingston 10,” Mr. Gordon shares.

Meanwhile, Mr. DeCasseres is encouraging more local manufacturers to create environmentally-friendly substitutes for plastics and Styrofoam in order to lower the cost of these items.

“This is a national initiative, the price for eco-friendly food containers will drop as they become more available on the market. Support the ban and what the Government is doing to protect the environment because this will benefit all of us in the long run,” he says.

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