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Families Must Protect Most Vulnerable Members From Covid – PM

By: , January 6, 2022
Families Must Protect Most Vulnerable Members From Covid – PM
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Most. Hon. Andrew Holness is calling on families to take responsibility for protecting the most vulnerable in their households from the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Speaking at the National Day of Prayer event held at the Power of Faith Ministries in St. Catherine on January 5, Mr. Holness noted that previously, the Government kept children at home as a means of shielding the population from a rapid spread of the virus.

He noted, however, that the country cannot continue to utilise that measure as children have to go back to school.

“Whereas the Government will not be putting in this general shielding measure anymore, families must now figure out how they’re going to shield and protect the vulnerable in their homes. So, as you send your children off to school, you have to protect grandma,” he noted.

The Prime Minister said that the Government’s strategy has been to shift from these “general, crude, often time shielding measures, to now your own personal responsibility.”

In the meantime, the Prime Minister said that the Government is increasing capacity to treat COVID-19 patients.

He noted that Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christpoher Tufton, recently toured the Savanna-la-Mar hospital in Westmoreland, where space has been added.

“We’re doing that right across the country, still reserving beds and making provisions,” Mr. Holness said.

He noted further that through his Positive Jamaica Foundation and overseas efforts, 19 oxygen concentrators were acquired for hospitals, and the Ministry of Health and Wellness is in the process of procuring another 100.

“So, we are building up capacity to be able to treat, but we require our citizens to take personal responsibility for their health as well,” Mr. Holness said.

Last Updated: January 6, 2022

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