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Factories Corporation to Develop Over 1.5 Million Square Feet of Space

By: , March 22, 2018

The Key Point:

The Government has mandated the Factories of Jamaica (FCJ) to implement three projects to develop more than 1.5 million square feet of space over the next three to five years, which will be dedicated to commercial and industrial enterprises

The Facts

  • Prime Minster, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, who made the announcement, said 30 per cent of the space will be dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • “At Garmex Free Zone, the largest commercial complex in the island, prospective investors demanded 241,000 square feet of production space. This high demand for space is also reflected in the increase in occupancy from 86 per cent to 93 per cent over the last 12 months, in FCJ facilities,” he indicated.

The Full Story

The Government has mandated the Factories of Jamaica (FCJ) to implement three projects to develop more than 1.5 million square feet of space over the next three to five years, which will be dedicated to commercial and industrial enterprises

Among the engagements expected to be facilitated are agro-processing, business process outsourcing (BPO), manufacturing, distribution and warehousing.

Prime Minster, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, who made the announcement, said 30 per cent of the space will be dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises.

He was speaking during his 2018/19 Budget Debate presentation in the House of Representatives on Tuesday (March 20), under the theme ‘Prosperity in Action’.

There is increased demand for commercial/production space, which Mr. Holness said totalled 470,000 square feet in 2017.

“At Garmex Free Zone, the largest commercial complex in the island, prospective investors demanded 241,000 square feet of production space. This high demand for space is also reflected in the increase in occupancy from 86 per cent to 93 per cent over the last 12 months, in FCJ facilities,” he indicated.

Mr. Holness pointed out that Garmex Free Zone in Kingston sits on 52.7 acres of land, 8.7 acres of which is unused green field “which is ripe for development”.

He informed that the design of the existing buildings is “flat” construction, and will be redesigned to create multilevel structures of higher capacity.

Mr. Holness said phase one of the project will entail the construction of 360,000 square feet across 14 buildings of varying sizes.

He indicated that the FCJ has completed the design and received the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation’s (KSAMC) approval to construct three new structures in this phase with a total of 60,000 square feet.

Mr. Holness said the FCJ has also received full approval from the Public Investment Management Secretariat (PIMSEC), adding that “the procurement process has already started and these buildings are expected to be delivered by the second quarter of 2019”.

In relation to Morant Bay’s revitalisation incorporating the establishment of a new urban centre at the former Goodyear tyre factory, the Prime Minister advised that the FCJ has also received PIMSEC’s conditional approval for this project and is waiting Cabinet’s go-ahead for the joint-venture agreement.

Last Updated: March 22, 2018

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