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Energy Saving Bulbs to be Installed in Clarendon Next Week

June 16, 2007

The Full Story

Energy saving bulbs worth some $15 million will be installed in homes in North West Clarendon, as part of the Government’s energy conservation campaign to reduce the country’s spiralling oil bill.
The project is set to begin next week and should be completed within three weeks.
This announcement was made on June 14 by Minister of State in the Ministry of Industry, Technology, Energy and Commerce, Senator Kern Spencer, while speaking at the official opening of a computer laboratory at the Moravia Primary School in Clarendon.
He said that about 8,578 households in North West Clarendon would receive some 40,000 energy saving bulbs.
Senator Spencer said that the Social Development Commission (SDC) would be assisting with the selection of volunteers on the ground who would assist with the assessment of households. He said that every household would receive bulbs since government was “determined to cut the energy bill of the country.”
According to the State Minister, the government and Cuba had entered into a co-operation agreement on energy conservation.
“Through the Ministry, we now have what we call a 4 M Project, whereby we have identified that there are some 800,000 households across Jamaica and we are going to be distributing some 4 million energy saving bulbs across every household,” he said.
The State Minister noted that the bulbs would significantly lower electricity usage, adding that persons have reported that they have saved about $500 to $1,500.00 per month.
So far, he said the programme has been implemented in 32 constituencies and work was taking place in St. James, Hanover and St. Mary.

Last Updated: June 16, 2007

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