Electricity Division Proposes Cost Recovery Inspection Fee
June 9, 2007The Full Story
The Electricity Division is proposing the implementation of a cost recovery inspection fee that will go towards improving the quality of service offered to its customers.
As contained in a Ministry Paper, which was tabled recently in the House of Representatives by Industry, Technology, Energy and Commerce Minister, Phillip Paulwell, the proposal is being considered by the Ministry.
If the proposal is granted, the Division will retain a portion of the revenue earned to employ more inspectors, thereby reducing the waiting time for electrical inspections to be done.
The Division has said that low inspection fee and high level of subsidy on inspections have constrained the quality of service to the public, and expressed the view that customers will be willing to pay the cost-recovery fee for an improved quality of service.
It is anticipated that some 35,000 inspections will be carried out over the financial year 2007/2008.
In the meantime, the Division will also be placing emphasis on re-inspection, especially among high-risk users. According to the Ministry Paper, this will include re-certifying installation at public buildings, markets and plazas, thereby ensuring that current standards are upheld and safety is assured.
The Division has informed that re-inspection should be done where there is modification to the wiring of premises and when a customer enters into a contract with the Jamaica Public Service Company. Unsafe wiring can pose a fire hazard.