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Education Ministry Continues Measures To Increase Vaccine Take-Up Among Students

By: , January 11, 2022
Education Ministry Continues Measures To Increase Vaccine Take-Up Among Students
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Fayval Williams, addresses a virtual post-Cabinet press briefing on Wednesday (January 5).

The Full Story

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information continues measures to increase take-up of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine among students, including staging blitzes at schools, says portfolio Minister, Hon. Fayval Williams.

“We work on the ground with the regional health authorities to get the vaccination events and blitzes up and working in our schools and we are going to continue to do so,” she said.

“We believe having vaccination blitzes at school while they (students) are there is going to encourage the take-up,” she stressed, while addressing a recent press conference.

The Ministry had set a target of having 65 per cent of students 12 years and older vaccinated for the resumption of face-to face classes on January 3. However, only 32 per cent of the targeted cohort was vaccinated at the start of the Easter term.

The Education Minister said that the Ministry has facilitated virtual sensitisation sessions for teachers, school leaders, parents, and students, to share the importance of vaccination.

She is urging all the stakeholders in the education sector to get inoculated and observe all the COVID-19 protocols, including mask-wearing and social distancing.

Last Updated: January 11, 2022

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