Education Campaign Against Gender-Based Violence Being Developed
By: November 7, 2018 ,The Full Story
The Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport is collaborating with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) to develop a ‘No Excuse for Abuse’ public education campaign.
The campaign is part of a three-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), between the Government and the UN Women Multi-Country Office of the Caribbean, entered into in September, for implementation of the National Strategic Plan to Eliminate Gender-based Violence.
“Included in this MOU is the funding of the ‘No Excuse for Abuse’ campaign. The… campaign will take the anti-violence message to communities across the country,” said Portfolio Minister, Hon Olivia Grange, in a Statement in the House of Representatives on Tuesday (November 6).
Ms. Grange said that the campaign seeks to empower women and men, confront old notions about a woman’s place, and encourage behaviour change among women and men.
“We are grateful to the many partners — local and international — who continue to give support to our various initiatives to end gender violence,” she noted.