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Economic Developments Creating Opportunities for Business

July 13, 2005

The Full Story

Minister of Development, Dr. Paul Robertson has said that recent economic developments had created viable opportunities for businesses in the country to experience substantive growth.
“The economic development projects now taking place are real, tangible and present real opportunities for Jamaican business, large and small, to invest and so create wealth and jobs through linkages in the growth areas of the economy,” Minister Robertson said.
Making his Sectoral Debate presentation in the House of Representatives yesterday (July 12), the Development Minister observed that persons had questioned whether particular overseas investments were in fact beneficial to Jamaica, and if these benefits would be materialised by way of the repatriation of profits and long term commitment.
He said such arguments were without merit as “they ignore the realities of globalisation where technology now link markets in a way unprecedented in human history.”
Speaking against the background of the free movement of goods and capital, the Minister said while some barriers still existed, the tendency was towards the removal of these obstacles.
He emphasised that “Jamaica is an island by geographic definition but in the context of the world economy; we are not and cannot be an island unto ourselves.”
Dr. Robertson told the House that inasmuch as Jamaica was a recipient of foreign direct investment, local businesses also reaped the rewards of overseas investments.
“Jamaican businesses, especially the leaders in the tourism sector own and operate significant properties abroad. The construction of hotels and other resorts facilities will generate demand for furniture, for bedding, for professional services, for landscapers, electricians, tillers, masons, environmentalists, and others,” he stated.

Last Updated: July 13, 2005

Jamaica Information Service