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Digital switchover vital to moving into 21st century communications – Vaz

December 2, 2010

The Full Story

Minister with responsibility for Information and Telecommunications, Daryl Vaz has underscored the importance of timely switching from analogue to digital broadcasting in order to transform the communications infrastructure in the 21st century. He said this must be done in a way that will open up opportunities for providing the highest quality in video production and greater interactivity while contributing to improved efficiencies in the use of the spectrum.
Referring to concerns expressed recently by the Media Association of Jamaica about the 2015 timeline set by the National Steering committee for the switchover, Mr. Vaz noted that it was important to have the full agreement of all the players in the industry. He said a feasibility study needs to be conducted as a necessary precursor to making a final determination on the appropriate date for digital switchover.
As part of this effort, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) will be conducting a two day workshop from December 2-3 at the Mona School of Business. Mr. Vaz said the ITU will provide an opportunity for all the stakeholders to arrive at a consensus on the implementation of this necessary and important measure.

Last Updated: August 13, 2013

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