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Despite Challenges Persons Continue to Serve – GG

August 26, 2010

The Full Story

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, says despite the many challenges facing the country, persons continue to serve others.
Speaking on August 25, in Parottee, St. Elizabeth, where 14 persons from the County of Cornwall received the Governor-General’s Awards, he urged the recipients to continue working to fix the challenges at all levels of the society.

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (seated, fourth left) and Lady Allen (third left), with recipients of the Governor General’s Achievement Awards for the County of Cornwall, at a function, held in Parottee, St. Elizabeth, on August 25.

“When you receive this Award, it comes with great responsibilities; it is an affirmation of the work you have done and continue to do. This is just a refreshing moment to affirm and encourage you not to give up the work you are doing. Continue to fix what is wrong with Jamaica. Use your indomitable spirit, your sense of purpose and ability to find workable solutions to the many problems in homes, schools, at the community level, and elsewhere,” the Governor General implored.
“I acknowledge your collective contribution to the building of communities and Jamaica. Your participation indicates your commitment to community development and people empowerment, and is tangible demonstration that you believe in Jamaica,” he added.
The awardees are: Reverend Dr. Robert Daley and Merrritt Dunwell from Hanover; Paul McNeil, Pherone Griffiths, and Calvin Hall, Trelawny; Alec Tomlin, Everton Anderson and Clasford Woolery, St. James; Shadee Simpson, Taniefa Beharie, and Dr. Trevor Hacker, Westmoreland and Janell Wright, Roger Bent and the Reverend Father, Dr. Barrington Buchanan, St. Elizabeth.
Responding on behalf of the awardees, Dr. Buchanan said the time and effort spent to recognise their contribution was appreciative, and the award will be remembered by the awardees as a lifetime achievement.

Principal of the Black River High School, the Reverend Dr. Barrington Buchanan (left), accepting his award from Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, at a presentation ceremony, held in Parottee, St. Elizabeth, on August 25.

“It is about clarity of conception, effectiveness of implementation, and the quality of results, in the present, over a period of time, and into the future. We thank you for having selected us to be acknowledged, and we will seek to further amplify the impact of the awards, by continuing to do good in our communities,” he said.
Since the Governor-General’s Achievement Award was instituted in 1992, some 200 Jamaicans have been recognised for giving back to communities, and for their participation in nation building.

Last Updated: August 14, 2013

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