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Dental Hygienists Association Launched

By: , March 22, 2018

The Key Point:

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, says dental hygienists can be justly proud of their contribution to Jamaica, as they continually use their passion for service delivery to advance oral health literacy among the population.
Dental Hygienists Association Launched
Photo: Michael Sloley
Education, Youth and Information State Minister, Hon. Floyd Green (left); and Custos Rotulorum for St. Andrew, Hon. Patricia Dunwell (second left), share a moment with Founder of the Dental Hygienists Association of Jamaica, Stacianne Tennant (second right), and Chief Dental Officer, Ministry of Health, Dr. Irving McKenzie, during the DHAJ's launch at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel, New Kingston, on March 20.

The Facts

  • “As a professional association, you can be a voice for practitioners as well as students in the field, who can be impacted and encouraged to embrace best practices through training and mentorship,” the Governor-General said.
  • The Governor-General noted that an organisation like the DHAJ can further serve its members by helping them to secure professional accreditation and guiding those seeking certified training.

The Full Story

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, says dental hygienists can be justly proud of their contribution to Jamaica, as they continually use their passion for service delivery to advance oral health literacy among the population.

He also congratulated them on the launch of the Dental Hygienists Association of Jamaica (DHAJ).

“As a professional association, you can be a voice for practitioners as well as students in the field, who can be impacted and encouraged to embrace best practices through training and mentorship,” the Governor-General said.

His comments were made in brief remarks read by Custos Rotulorum for St. Andrew, Hon. Patricia Dunwell, during the DHAJ’s launch at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel, New Kingston, on March 20.

The Governor-General noted that an organisation lik e the DHAJ can further serve its members by helping them to secure professional accreditation and guiding those seeking certified training.

“Linkages to be established with regional and international organisations, professional associations and training institutions, can also go a far way in enhancing the profile of the organisation and the profession in Jamaica,” he said.

The Governor-General argued that a healthy population is essential to Jamaica’s economic future.

“We (therefore) look to our healthcare practitioners to be a force for change as they help to refocus national attention on those valuable public health practices that earned Jamaica global acclaim as a pacesetter in public health. Oral health must take its rightful place on the health spectrum of Jamaica, and this organisation can be the force of change which we seek,” he stated.

The Governor-General also commended all the DHAJ’s members who were instrumental to the organisation’s establishment.

“This is a significant milestone, and I urge all of you to remain highly focused on delivering good oral healthcare to your patients as you work to make it more accessible to Jamaicans,” he added.

For his part, Education, Youth and Information State Minister, Hon. Floyd Green, said the DHAJ’s launch underscores the importance of good oral hygiene and dental hygienists’ role in preventing oral diseases.

He also challenged the association to partner with the Ministry and childcare institutions to provide oral healthcare to children in need.

The DHAJ was established to represent and protect the interests of the dental hygiene profession in Jamaica by working to advance the economic, social and working conditions of members.

It also seeks to spearhead the profession’s transformation in order to improve the public’s oral and general health.

Last Updated: March 22, 2018

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