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CTO Invites Applications for 2007 Scholarships

January 26, 2007

The Full Story

The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Foundation is inviting applications for its 2007 scholarships, which is available to Caribbean nationals pursuing study in tourism and hospitality, within and outside of the region.
Awards of up to US$15,000 are being offered for study at the masters or post graduate level, while grants of up to US$2,500 will be offered to persons studying at the certificate, diploma, associate degree or first degrees levels.
The offer is extended to industry personnel desirous of studying and gaining proficiency in a second language to assist them in their work.
“Since tourism is such a widely explored area of study in the region, we are offering this opportunity to those students, who display achievement both in and beyond the classroom”, said Jacqueline Johnson, chair of the CTO Foundation.
“We believe this opportunity will help to mould future tourism executives, who will continue to provide the services necessary to make our tourism industry thrive,” she added.
Scholarship application forms and related information can be found at: www.onecaribbean.org. Interested persons have until April 15, 2007 to submit their applications.
Last year alone, the CTO Foundation awarded six scholarships and 10 study grants valued at approximately US$72,000. Since the inception of the study programme in 1997, the Foundation has funded 32 major scholarships and 74 study grants to deserving Caribbean nationals, for an overall amount of just over US$572,000.

Last Updated: January 26, 2007

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