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Country Must Be Sensitised About Impact of Climate Change – Pickersgill

January 14, 2012

The Full Story

Minister of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Robert Pickersgill, says one of his main priorities will be to sensitise the country on the importance of climate change and the impact it has on the environment.

Speaking during a tour of the Half-Way-Tree Road offices of the Meteorological Service of Jamaica, yesterday, Mr. Pickersgill said it costs the country almost $14 billion for weather related problems per year.

"When calculated accumulatively, it is a whole lot of money. Now, if weather related problems on an annual basis can cost the country some $14 billion, if you do not do something to preserve the infrastructure, then you are just going around in circles," the Minister argued.

He added that a climate change unit is to be set up within the offices of the Meteorological Service of Jamaica, making it "more manageable and accountable to the Ministry."

Meanwhile, the Minister informed that he is to meet further with representatives of the National Water Commission (NWC) to be briefed on upcoming projects to be undertaken by the agency.

"I met with the heads of the various departments. They have some interesting programmes that are going to come on stream. They are going to be laying out plans parish by parish,” Mr. Pickersgill said.

The Minister said that there are 63 constituencies and he is very interested to hear of projects for each from the NWC.

Mr. Pickersgill also met with staff at the Environment and Land Management Division of the Ministry.

Last Updated: August 2, 2013

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