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Community Members Welcome Expansion at Lewisville High

August 31, 2009

The Full Story

Members of the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) of the Lewisville High School, in St. Elizabeth, have welcomed the $400,000 expansion work done at the institution by the Ministry of Education.
President of the group, Pauline Foster, told JIS News that with more space at the school and additional facilities to enhance extra-curricular activities, students should perform at their optimum.
“It is a welcomed expansion, and we are very grateful to the Ministry of Education, and hope that our students will see what this investment is geared to achieve and do their best. With this well needed expansion, our students are now able to ‘spread their wings’ and launch out into different areas that they have not done before,” she said.
“As parents, we have to instill in our students that they will have to help to care the facility, and to make sure that they don’t deface the walls. And, we will do our best in whatever way we can, to help to develop on this investment,” the President added.
Meanwhile, Principal at the institution, Ardith Forbes, informed that prior to the additional nine class rooms, a number of classes had to be conducted outside the building, which posed a challenge when it rained.
“When you take into consideration that we used to have four classes on the corridor, and that we experience a rain pattern similar to that of Portland, you would realise that the students learning process was severely hampered. When we put everything together, it is great to have these enclosed buildings,” Mrs. Forbes said.
Additional amenities at the school include a netball court, football field, perimeter fencing, storm water drains and a sewage treatment and disposal system.

Last Updated: August 21, 2013

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