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Clarendon Senior Citizens Participate in Cultural Day

June 25, 2008

The Full Story

The National Council for Senior Citizens (NCSC), Clarendon Chapter, held its annual Senior Citizens’ Cultural Day last week, which showcased the various skills and talents of the country’s older residents.
The event, held at the St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church in May Pen, attracted a large gathering of seniors, who, adorned in the colours of the various senior citizens’ clubs, entertained the audience with several cultural renditions in the form of poetry, prose, dance, music and drama.
They were joined by students from some of the basic and primary schools in Clarendon, who assisted them in depicting the theme of transformation and integration, showing how well the young and the old, the past and the present, complemented each other.
On display was a wide array of handicraft, depicting the creative genius of the seniors. Their prowess in the culinary arts was also demonstrated as they served up dishes of coconut run-down, blue draws, cassava musa, potato pudding and corn pone, among others.
NCSC Parish Organizer for Clarendon, Nova Williams-Taylor, expressed her satisfaction with the day’s activities, stating that of all the events on the Council’s annual calendar, she most enjoyed working with the seniors in preparation for Cultural Day.
She said the seniors were a repository of Jamaica’s culture, and the rich traditions of the past, which should not be allowed to die.
Mrs. Williams Taylor informed JIS News, that the seniors also looked forward to Cultural Day, and much time and energy was normally expended during the preparatory stage to ensure its success.
Stating that the seniors were a warm and enthusiastic group, she said they were always open to learning new things, and to sharing their knowledge with others.

Last Updated: June 25, 2008

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