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Clarendon 4-H Clubs Preparing for Achievement Day Activities

March 7, 2006

The Full Story

The Clarendon 4-H Clubs will be hosting their Achievement Day on Wednesday, March 15 at the Knox Community College, Foga Road Campus in May Pen.Parish Development Officer, Frances Nash-Robinson told JIS News that several competitive and entertaining events have been organized.
“We are hosting our Achievement Day under the theme, ‘Creating Wealth through Youth Development’, and we really want to highlight the numerous ways in which agriculture can help our young people.
We have several competitive events, which fall into Environmental, Agricultural, Home Economics, Agri-Processing, Public Speaking and General categories, in addition to our Banner Competition, which are all geared toward developing the creative entrepreneurial genius in our clubbites,” she said.
She explained that under the home economics category, competitive events will include cake baking and decorating, meal preparation using fish, table setting, sandwich making and skirt making.
Under the agricultural category, the activities include budding and grafting, circumposing and potting, rabbit care and management, poultry care and management, cattle management, and application and maintenance of farm machinery.
Mrs. Nash-Robinson said that under the environmental category, there was a competitive event known as Solid Waste Management or ‘Trash to Cash’, and that there would be a special environmental challenge display competition.
She pointed out that the agricultural competition would be judged under the topic, ‘Preventing Economic Disaster’, adding that the Agro-processing competition was intended to inspire clubbites to make good use of corn.
Pre-judging of the project work display from the various schools and clubs will take place on March 8, while the school garden competition would take place from March 20 to April 7.
Guest Speaker at the official opening ceremony on March 15 is Sydney Bartley, Director of Culture in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Culture. The prize-giving ceremony and concert will be held in the afternoon.
“We are expecting to have a very exciting day with our various clubs giving their full participation, and the concert we expect will be full of fun catering for the young and young at heart. All persons across the parish are invited to attend,” Mrs. Nash-Robinson said.

Last Updated: March 7, 2006

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