Citizens Urged to Adopt Responsible Solid Waste Management Practices
By: April 23, 2024 ,The Full Story
Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, is imploring all members of society to play their part in protecting the environment by adopting responsible solid waste management and disposal practices.
He noted that while significant investments have been made in strengthening the capacity of the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) to keep the country clean, waste management is a shared responsibility.
He said that citizens have a role to play by properly separating and containerising their waste, recycling, composting among other practices.
“We need the help, and that help will have to come from citizens… . It will take a united, cohesive effort right across the society,” he pointed out.
Minister Samuda, who has responsibility for the environment, was addressing Excelsior High School’s ‘World Earth Day’ observance at the school’s Mountain View location in Kingston on April 22.
He reiterated that this year will see the implementation of mandatory separation and recycling of waste by all ministries, departments and agencies, and statutory bodies as part of the management of solid waste.
“The Government will be pushing for greater inclusion and availability of recycling services, certainly within the government service. We will move some time after that into residential and other institutions, area by area as we build capacity,” he noted.
Legislation will also be developed and brought to Parliament and partnerships forged with public and private-sector entities to support the new policy.
The Government has also announced June 1 as the commencement date for the ban on plastic lunch boxes, personal care products and microplastic beads, as another layer of the plan to improve national waste management and protect the environment.