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CHASE Fund Workers donate $220k to Children of Rio Grande Valley Fund

January 15, 2009

The Full Story

Minister of State with responsibility for Project Implementation in the Office of the Prime Minister, Daryl Vaz, this afternoon (Jan 14) received $220,000 as personal contributions from the Board of Directors and staff members of the Culture, Health, Arts Sports and Education (CHASE) Fund, towards assistance for the children who lost their parents in the Portland tragedy of December 9.
The Minister noted that the selfless donation from the CHASE directors and staff inspired him to keep on serving the people.
“This is how you know that Jamaica is still alive and well. This is the third largest donation to the Fund since December and it is coming from people giving from their hearts. The Fund will continue to be supported with accountability and transparency and it will provide assistance where it is needed.”
The cheque was presented to Minister Vaz by Chairman of the board of the CHASE Fund, Mr. Phillip Henriques, on behalf of the directors and staff. The presentation took place at the Office of the Prime Minister this afternoon (Jan 14).
CEO of the CHASE Fund, William Heaven called on the Minister to provide details of the name and age of each child who lost a parent in the tragedy, with a view to developing a childhood education assistance programme.
The first funerals of the 14 persons who died in the Portland tragedy will be held tomorrow January 15 at the Moore Town Anglican Church. A committee established by Minister Vaz is currently completing a social enquiry report that will provide detailed information on each child and his or her immediate and long-term needs.
The Fund, A Helping Hands for the Children of Portland’s Rio Grande Valley, is open for donations from across the island. Contributions can be sent to: NCB Current Account 351 077 328.

Last Updated: January 15, 2009

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