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Caribbean Head of Government meets with Prime Minister Tony Blair

November 22, 2005

The Full Story

British Prime Minister Tony Blair held a working lunch with prime ministers and presidents from Caribbean countries at Number 10 Downing Street today.
The leaders are in Europe to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Malta at the end of the week.
They talked about trade, security, and the UK-Caribbean relationship. They also discussed the Cricket World Cup in 2007, which is being held in the West Indies.
Mr Blair last met this group in 22 December 2003.
The full list of attendees was: Antiguan Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer, Belize Prime Minister Said Musa, PM Perry Christie of the Bahamas, Dominica’s leader Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister Owen Arthur of Barbados, Keith Mitchell of Grenada, Guyana’s President Bharrat Jagdeo, Denzil Douglas of St Kitts, Jamaican Prime Minister P J Patterson and St Lucia PM Kenny Anthony.
Lord Triesman and Baroness Amos were also in attendance.

Last Updated: November 22, 2005

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