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Cancer Society Receives $250,000 from Kiwanis Club of Providence

By: , January 16, 2015

The Key Point:

The all-female Kiwanis Club of Providence in Montego Bay, on January 14, presented a cheque for $250,000 to the Jamaica Cancer Society, to aid in the fight against the disease.
Cancer Society Receives $250,000 from Kiwanis Club of Providence
Photo: JIS
As part of its mandate for the 2014/15 administrative year, the Kiwanis Club of Providence in Montego Bay presented a cheque for $250,000 to the Jamaica Cancer Society to assist in the fight against the disease. Here, Cancer Survivor and Volunteer with the Jamaica Cancer Society, Odel Lewis (right), accepts the symbolic cheque from President of the Club, Janice McGrowther (centre) and Club Fundraising Director, Shelly-Ann Hyman. Looking on (second right), is Lieutenant Governor for Kiwanis International’s Division 25, Lisa Golding. The presentation took place during a special meeting of the club on January 14 to mark the 100th anniversary of Kiwanis International.

The Facts

  • The presentation was made during a special meeting of the Club, at the Wexford Hotel in the city, to mark the 100th anniversary of Kiwanis International.
  • Making the presentation, Club President, Janice McGrowther, said the money was raised during the 5th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk/Run staged by the club in October last year.

The Full Story

The all-female Kiwanis Club of Providence in Montego Bay, on January 14, presented a cheque for $250,000 to the Jamaica Cancer Society, to aid in the fight against the disease.

The presentation was made during a special meeting of the Club, at the Wexford Hotel in the city, to mark the 100th anniversary of Kiwanis International.

Making the presentation, Club President, Janice McGrowther, said the money was raised during the 5th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk/Run staged by the club in October last year.

She noted that the event formed part of the club’s main goal of the 2014/2015 administration, to raise funds for contribution towards breast cancer awareness and treatment.

“Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women. The club has been using this event since 2010, to raise funds and make significant contributions to the Jamaica Cancer Society and several breast cancer survivors in Western Jamaica. The members of the club are very aware of the significant impact this ailment has on the lives of their own, friends and loved ones,” Ms. McGrowther added.

Meanwhile, she said the club is now focused on making good on its promise to donate $50,000 to an undisclosed number of cancer survivors this year.

“We have made a decision that apart from the funds which have been donated to the Jamaica Cancer Society, the club will be making donations of $50,000 to a few cancer survivors in St. James. This donation is to assist these survivors in defraying some of the costs associated with the treatment,” she noted.

Collecting the cheque on behalf of the Jamaica Cancer Society, Volunteer Odel Lewis, who himself is a cancer survivor, said the funds will assist greatly in the Society to undertake its public education programme for this year.

“We will be ramping up the work of the Society this year with particular focus on breast and prostate cancer education, treatment and counselling. This donation from the Kiwanis Club of Providence comes right in time as we have already put our plans in place, but need funding to implement,” he said.


Last Updated: January 16, 2015

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